How to email a listing from your inventory

Step 1. Click Inventory on the top menu.

Step 2. Locate the listing you would like to email to a contact and click on the small envelope located to the right.

Step 3. You will be taken to the Lead Manager in BoatWizard. Begin filling out your message as indicated below:

TIP: If you have a saved email template, click on the Template drop down menu and hit insert.

Step 4. Once you are done typing your message, scroll down to the bottom to view the listing you will be emailing. If you would like to attach any other document(s) to your message, you may do so under the Attachments area.

Step 5. Choose if you would like to send this listing as a PDF attachment or as HTML. (HTML messages will past the images and text directly in the email message)

TIP: You can preview your message if you click on the Preview button. 

Step 6. Hit Send to send out this email.

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