How to add a custom form to a page on your website

Step 1. From the dashboard menu, select the Pages then click on All Pages.

Step 2. Select the page you wish to add a custom form to.

Tip: You can search for the page by name in the search box to the right.

Step 3. Scroll down to the Page Widgets area. 

Step 4. Drag the Contact Form box into its preferred page container

Tip: Pages are broken down into the following containers (Top, Left, Right, Content, Bottom). A graphic is available in the bottom-right of the widget area outlining these containers

Step 4. Once the widget is added, a title can be assigned and the provided fields customized.

  • Optional fields include Text, Text Area, and Dropdown
  • Each field can be set to required or not

Step 5. To add a new field to the form select Create Field at the bottom of the widget.

Step 6. Select Save within the widget section.

Step 7. Select Update at the top-right of the page editor once complete.

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