How to Create a Saved Search and Set your My Search in the ProSeller Platform
In this video you will learn how to create a saved search and set it as your My Search. Setting a My Search in the ProSeller Platform defaults your search results to your preferred boat criteria.
1. To create a new Saved Search, first apply your filters in the left filter column. Add your Country, Region, State and City.
2. In the Professional Boat Shopper box, click "Save this Search".
3. Click on the "Name Your Search" box and add a name for this search.
4. If you don't want to receive email notifications, you can uncheck the "Email notifications" box, then click the "Save Search" button.
5. Click "View PBS" in the bottom left of the Professional Boat Shopper box. You should see a list of your searches, followed by the list of customer saved searches.
7. Ensure the email at the top to receive the saved searches is correct, if not click "Edit" to change it.
8. Check the "My Search" box on the right to make set the search of your choice as your "My Search" default to ensure that particular search is pre-loaded for you. You can Edit Search, Delete or View Search Results.
9. Look for the email icon in front of the search title to remind yourself of which searches have email notifications attached to them.
10. Click "Back to Search" and you'll see the ProSeller Platform search criteria selected for your default loaded in the top bar. This will allow you to do faster searching. Once you have created a Saved Search, it will appear in the top left box and you can click apply other "My Saved Searches" by using one click from the drop-down.