What is the Premium Placement Ad on YachtWorld and what can it do for my business?

Premium Placement Ad - The billboard on YachtWorld’s most popular pages.

Where is this ad located?

The Premium Placement Ad appears at the very top of a search results page.

TIP: There are two ways someone can land on a search results page.  If they run a search directly on YachtWorld or if they run a search on a search engine. (i.e. Google, Bing, etc.)

Who will see this ad?

This ad placement is sold monthly in 13 different regions.  It will appear in a search result page for up to 7 different boat types. (i.e. If you select to appear in a search results page for Cruisers and Center Consoles, anyone searching for those boat types in the region selected will have an opportunity to view your ad)

Top Benefit:

Maximum competitive targeting. If your business is seeking market share in certain boat segments in a specific region, this ad placement is ideal. On average, this ad spot will receive 65,000 impressions and 415 click-throughs on a monthly basis.

If you're interested in purchasing a  Premium Placement Ad, please speak with your Regional Sales Consultant or email allsales@boats.com

You may also visit the Boats Group website for additional details on this ad.

Check out the benefits of these other YachtWorld ad placements:

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